Day 7- Building the Obstacle Course
A quick post to detail the obstacle course that Jerry will have to navigate to complete his mission.
The diagram below shows the various measurements and shape of the course. Essentially, there is a gate that Jerry will have to navigate through, then two obstacle walls that will be navigated around and then finishing up in the collection zone, where Jerry will wait to catch the balls that are launched (more on that later)
I first mapped out the various dimensions on the floor with masking tape to get a sense of the size I was working with and so I could test some basic code that I was working on.
It was all looking good so then I gathered all the cardboard boxes in my house (mostly from my lockdown fuelled online shopping) and constructed the obstacle walls needed. I had marked out the places I needed cardboard walls in blue tape but I also realised I’d need to add in side walls beside the two obstacle walls so Jerry would know not to just drive straight off the course but as I was conserving materials (cardboard is now a valuable commodity) I decided not to build walls for the whole thing.
You can see images of the finished course below. Looks professional, I know.